Do Collagen Supplements Work?
Collagen is an important protein that is naturally made by the body and is found in the skin, hair, connective tissue, cartilage, and bones. Its primary role is to provide structure and support, a firm yet elastic tone that we’ve come to associate with youthfulness. This looks like the smooth, wrinkle free skin of our 20s. It’s also the healthy, cushioned joints that allow us to be active. As we age, our collagen production slows down. We start to see the signs as aging skin, joint issues, and overall stiffness. Can we replace the lost collagen? Do collagen supplements work? The short answer is yes, but there are some things to consider when it comes to supplementation.
Natural Sources Of Collagen
In our ancestral diet, we would have been consuming much more collagen than we do now. Humans ate more of the whole animal, including cartilage and connective tissue which are rich in collagen. With the modern preference for boneless meats and even vegetarian diets, we have lost many of the natural sources of collagen. Supplementation in the form of whole foods like bone broth and other bone-in meats like ribs, oxtail, and drumsticks is a great place to start to increase your collagen consumption.
Targeted Supplementation Can Be Helpful
Quite frankly, it is difficult to meet all of our nutritional needs through our food today. Our soil is depleted, which leads to less vitamin and mineral dense food. Plus, we are so busy that it’s easy to be tempted by fast food or quick processed meals during the week. We recognize that it’s impossible to eat perfectly all the time. That’s where targeted supplementation comes in. Collagen supplements work well to address concerns like joint/muscle pain, and even bone density.. They come in pill form, powder form, and even liquids. But just like any supplement, you’ll want to be sure it’s from a good source (we have some suggestions in our Fullscript store)
Do Collagen Supplements Work?
When high quality collagen supplements are taken on a regular basis, they have been shown to improve joint and muscle pain and also to improve bone density. Many people also notice better skin elasticity, hair growth, and healthier nails. We regularly recommend collagen supplements to people suffering with spinal disc issues and chronic joint pain. People who take collagen also report a reduction in wrinkles and that their skin feels firmer.
Because these supplements contain real-food derived collagen, they are incredibly safe for most people. If you can add more collagen to your diet through food, that’s great. You can go a step further and take a supplement to ensure you’re getting what your body needs to keep your bones, skin, and connective tissues healthy. If you have any questions about collagen, don’t hesitate to reach out. We are happy to sit down and discuss your options.