Benefits Of Nutrition Counseling Services Paired With The Use Of Peptides

You’ve probably heard the buzz about the use of peptides for weight management - in fact, you may even know people who are using them! For many, this breakthrough has been lifechanging; it allows them to finally get to a healthy weight without yo-yo dieting. We believe that a properly supervised weight management program with a combination approach can be the key to helping our patients reach their health goals. With the use of nutrition counseling and peptides like semaglutide and tirzepatide, we support you on your path to the healthiest you - and help you stay there for the long haul.

Why Can’t I Just Lose Weight On My Own?

Imagine what it would feel like if you went about your day without constant “food noise.” You’re not hyper-fixating on when and what your next meal will be, worried about the caloric content, or having intense cravings. While “food noise” as a clinical concept is relatively new, its existence is not. Anyone who experiences it knows how all- consuming these intrusive thoughts can be. When we talk to clients about it, they feel validated for the first time in their lives about just how hard it has been lose weight. The truth is, for many people, maintaining a healthy weight isn’t a matter of willpower or motivation. Most clients who come to us seeking help have tried nearly everything. Many of them have lost significant weight multiple times in their lives, but it always comes back. It’s this group of people that can benefit greatly from our comprehensive approach.

How Do Peptides Work For Weight Loss?

Peptides are a type of drug called GLP-1 receptor agonists that are typically used in the management of Type 2 diabetes. When you eat, digestion stimulates the release of the GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) hormone. It, in turn, triggers insulin production and the feeling of fullness. Simply put, peptides work by mimicking your body’s natural fullness signal, therefore reducing appetite.

In addition, when taking these peptides, people notice a significant decrease in the amount of “food noise.” This allows for better compliance overall with an appropriate diet and exercise routine, enhancing the results.

Nutrition Counseling Helps You Get - And Keep - Your Results

Nutrition is one of the key foundations of health. For long term weight management and to reduce cardiometabolic risk factors, we like to employ a fast mimicking diet (FMD) for our clients in the program. When compared to the popular Mediterranean diet, a recent study showed that FMD offered long term benefits like decreased Insulin and HbA1c. Participants in the study also experienced body composition changes, with those on the FMD notably decreasing abdominal fat, a key factor in mitigating heart disease risk and other chronic conditions. What’s more, FMD also led to better preservation of muscle during weight loss, decreasing the risk of sarcopenia. In our practice, we’ve noticed similar results with our clients using peptides and FMD.

If you’re ready to make 2024 the year you finally get healthy, don’t hesitate to reach out. We can sit down together and discuss the benefits and risks of peptides, nutrition counseling, and how to get you started on the path to health. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.


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